Safe Space

by Derek Morrison

No platform here, no dissonant thought
This seat of learning is much sought
For our safe haven has banished fear
Speech codes and policies make it clear
Our scholars halos must always shine
Deviance reported via our bias line.

We have trigger warnings just in case
There’s any risk we’ll fall from grace
Preaching our diversity and equality
We are proud masters of this polity
So we signal virtue in much excess
Doing nothing to cause you stress.

Consumer of deeper learning be content
No controversy here, no rage to vent
Our single glorious free speech zone
Means wilder kites can still be flown
But rest assured more fragile flowers
No storms now blow in Ivory Towers.

[To listen to this verse select below]

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by Derek Morrison

Frédéric_de_Civry182x300I struggle hard to understand
My obsession with the leading brand
A transient boost to needy pride
Makes this the only one to ride
Reassuringly expensive the price I paid
To project the image I wish conveyed
Pursuing quality is what I claim
Not tacit value in branded name
But lesser brands are just as viable
And many are much more reliable
But Mondeo class would never do
To align with my peers or crew
Dressed in my ersatz sponsored attire
Cueing lifestyle … or perhaps desire
Quality of life is what I sought
And be admired for what I’ve bought
For brand monsters lie within my head
It’s id and ego who must be fed.

[To listen to this verse select below]

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