Safe Space

by Derek Morrison

No platform here, no dissonant thought
This seat of learning is much sought
For our safe haven has banished fear
Speech codes and policies make it clear
Our scholars halos must always shine
Deviance reported via our bias line.

We have trigger warnings just in case
There’s any risk we’ll fall from grace
Preaching our diversity and equality
We are proud masters of this polity
So we signal virtue in much excess
Doing nothing to cause you stress.

Consumer of deeper learning be content
No controversy here, no rage to vent
Our single glorious free speech zone
Means wilder kites can still be flown
But rest assured more fragile flowers
No storms now blow in Ivory Towers.

[To listen to this verse select below]

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Resisting Change

by Derek Morrison

cycletyreElite racing cyclists we do admire
So we must use their size of tyre
But from this thinking we should cease
Because rolling resistance it does increase.

Such an idea may fly like an arrow
Towards our beloved tyres so narrow
But listen here and then pay heed
Fatter tyres can mean higher speed.

True performance athletes are one thing
For them air resistance is the sting
But with a speed average below 20 miles
Other physics should cause some smiles.

A narrow tyre does deform
Further away from its circular norm
And that can energy absorb
Because the wheel is now a lesser orb.

Also too high a pressure on a normal road
Simply increases your cycling load
Because over irregularities you then bounce
Potential traction energy absorbed by the ounce.

It also worth considering at this juncture
That fatter tyres resist that puncture
Because they suffer less from pinches
Thanks to that smaller fraction of inches.

Fat also makes a better ride
Over surfaces which you just can’t glide
And the contact patch gives you greater grip
To escape those gotchas on which you’d slip.

If genuine time or track athlete you may be
Then continue narrow with certainty
But for everyone else don’t emulate
Because fatter is a better state.

So seven hundred by twenty three
Probably won’t help most climb the tree
If as an endurance road cyclist you do thrive
Opt for at least seven hundred by twenty five.

[To listen to this verse select below]

(continued: see Notes & Sources)

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Big Brother

by Derek Morrison

Big Brother graffiti in France

Now in any space or event
Big Brother can watch you vent
Whether you’re inside, or outdoor
There’s no hiding place any more
Meteor strike or plane crash
All now captured from the dash
And if you cause some offence
Big Brother has the evidence
A fleeting moment of no constraint
But a lifetime to feel the taint
Your unwilling spot as YouTube star
Shows the world you went too far
The virtual mob smelt the blood
A comment trickle became a flood
A social position once enjoyed
Social media forever destroyed
Ninety Eighty Four has passed
Dystopian fiction it was classed
Big Brother defined what was true
Now Big Brother, is me and you.

[To listen to this verse select below]

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