by Derek Morrison
Gods, they smiled
As plans you told
Group cycle ride
Despite the cold.
Out in countryside
Rain like spear
Bad day for puncture
Mused he at rear.
The assassin thorn
Lay in silent wait
Its pointed dagger
Was someone’s fate.
Heavens pouring down
Prayers for release
Coffee stop pending
So pace increase.
The waiting assassin
Struck the blow
He at the rear
Didn’t even know.
Speed fell away
Group unaware
Pedaled onwards
Dry to share.
A slowing pace
Insufficient heat
Magnified loss
Once on feet.
Shelter priority
Fix can wait
Primary risk
Hypothermia state.
Leaden hands
Fingers blue.
Inn gave respite
Hot drinks too.
Repair was painful
Fix was slow
Fingers seized
Felt like toe.
Coffee stop
One was gone
Post rain and coffee
Search party spawn.
But happy ending
After transient fear
From my being
He at the rear.
Gods, they smile
As plans you tell
So plan for breakdown
In weather hell.
[To listen to this verse select below]