by Derek Morrison
Cameron tried to heal his Party’s split
Of diverging visions of being a Brit
His solution was a masterstroke
Just listen when ‘the people’ spoke
But ‘the people’ proved a fickle lot
They didn’t do what he had thought
So Cameron is now Come What May
Stand-back warrior from Brexit fray
Now oozing confidence that isn’t real
Divorcing partners seek Sterling deal
Albion leads exit from unstable boat
But rebel Écosse didn’t this way vote
Six Counties too declared to stay
‘Out means out’ insists Come What May
So now emerges more complex plots
As Come What May faces wily Scots
And Spanish who reclaim their Rock
Because we chose to leave their bloc
New journeys launch into uncharted seas
But once ‘the people’ feel the squeeze
Cameron’s solution for his Party’s split
Embraces ‘death or glory’ from fuse he lit.
[To listen to this verse select below]