The Bridge

by Derek Morrison I’m the bridge of two rivers The Severn and Wye I’m seen from a distance My two towers in the sky. I’m the bridge of two countries England and Wales Offering a gateway To many new trails. I’m the bridge of two pathways For feet and pedaled wheel Most know only of […]


by Derek Morrison Gods, they smiled As plans you told Group cycle ride Despite the cold. Out in countryside Rain like spear Bad day for puncture Mused he at rear. The assassin thorn Lay in silent wait Its pointed dagger Was someone’s fate. Heavens pouring down Prayers for release Coffee stop pending So pace increase. […]

Ego Ride

by Derek Morrison I’m really not out for an ego ride Till I have the measure of who’s by my side And then I’ll slowly press the pace Lead them into a tacit race I’m struggling up this hill for now But when I get to that far off brow I’ll put my head down, […]