
by Derek Morrison Gods, they smiled As plans you told Group cycle ride Despite the cold. Out in countryside Rain like spear Bad day for puncture Mused he at rear. The assassin thorn Lay in silent wait Its pointed dagger Was someone’s fate. Heavens pouring down Prayers for release Coffee stop pending So pace increase. […]

Road Rage

by Derek Morrison Driving at speed in your insulated box Feeling the pressure of time, your obsession with clocks Now who are these people who get in your way? It’s those lyrca-clad pedalers out for the day. Why do they wobble so, in and out? What are they pointing at, and why do they shout? They […]

Black Ice

by Derek Morrison There had been frost on the ground but we still set out on our way ‘There will be an improving sunny situation’ the forecast did say Despite the cold, a set of eager faces had turned up for the ride It would be a shame to disappoint them, so anxiety pushed aside. […]