Resisting Change

by Derek Morrison Elite racing cyclists we do admire So we must use their size of tyre But from this thinking we should cease Because rolling resistance it does increase. Such an idea may fly like an arrow Towards our beloved tyres so narrow But listen here and then pay heed Fatter tyres can mean […]


by Derek Morrison Walking on the street you’re just another ageing girl or guy But when you put on the gear and goggles you can show them how to fly You can sure push those cranks up those endless hills And you can last all day … despite your many pills. It’s OK that there […]

Espresso Delivery

by Derek Morrison You have two shots in the morning to set up your day With two more mid-morning so that on the pace you stay In between are the energy gels which are not much to your taste But they have become essential because they’re also caffeine laced. After one hour the alertness washes […]