Ego Ride

by Derek Morrison I’m really not out for an ego ride Till I have the measure of who’s by my side And then I’ll slowly press the pace Lead them into a tacit race I’m struggling up this hill for now But when I get to that far off brow I’ll put my head down, […]


by Derek Morrison N.B. Read in conjunction with ‘Espresso Delivery‘ (VeloScience, 5 February 2015). In every coffee bean Lies a variable dose of caffeine Which blocks your adenosine Thus raising your catecholamine. With adenosine you can’t tell But it’s present in every cell It chills things down, makes you less aroused You feel its effects […]

Black Ice

by Derek Morrison There had been frost on the ground but we still set out on our way ‘There will be an improving sunny situation’ the forecast did say Despite the cold, a set of eager faces had turned up for the ride It would be a shame to disappoint them, so anxiety pushed aside. […]