Burns Elimination

Consider first this small extract from the original Death and Dr Hornbook by Robert Burns, written in 1785 (Source: BBC)

Ev’n them he canna get attended,
Altho’ their face he ne’er had kend it,
Just shite in a kail-blade, an’ sent it,
As soon’s he smells ‘t,
Baith their disease, and what will mend it,
At once he tells ‘t.

Re-interpretation and translation by Derek Morrison (2017)

Now death is circling overhead
Physician cannot reach his bed
Although patient he has never seen
Sends specimen for expert screen
He smells the foetid mass and smiles
No death gateway here; only piles.

But embedded in the bowels of Burns’ satirical poem – which on the surface is about a doctor cheating death by employing, apparently, an 18th century version of telemedicine – lies a more serious matter. The polemic in the commentary section highlights this [select Continue Reading].

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Disunited Kingdom

by Derek Morrison

Attribution: Britain Stronger in Europe Campaign poster 2016 (http://www.strongerin.co.uk)

Cameron tried to heal his Party’s split
Of diverging visions of being a Brit
His solution was a masterstroke
Just listen when ‘the people’ spoke
But ‘the people’ proved a fickle lot
They didn’t do what he had thought
So Cameron is now Come What May
Stand-back warrior from Brexit fray
Now oozing confidence that isn’t real
Divorcing partners seek Sterling deal
Albion leads exit from unstable boat
But rebel Écosse didn’t this way vote
Six Counties too declared to stay
‘Out means out’ insists Come What May
So now emerges more complex plots
As Come What May faces wily Scots
And Spanish who reclaim their Rock
Because we chose to leave their bloc
New journeys launch into uncharted seas
But once ‘the people’ feel the squeeze
Cameron’s solution for his Party’s split
Embraces ‘death or glory’ from fuse he lit.

[To listen to this verse select below]

Energy draining

by Derek Morrison

Wind Turbine
Attribution: Mark McLaren [CC BY-SA 2.0]
Solar farms built in northern climes
Skyline monuments — wind turbines
But how to store the wind and sun
Not thought about as policies spun
And so we pay to Grid not feed
If wind and sun they have no need
Renewable energy going to waste
From policies made in unseemly haste.
Green power storage first must be cracked
For move from fossils to be backed
Much conversion figures in this quest
Although no solution has yet proved best.
But a certain irony has come to pass
Green electricity is turned to gas
Or it can be used to power a pump
Moving water uphill for later dump
Or compressing air can be its fate
For driving turbines at later date.
But wait …
Here come the disruptive events
For hydrocarbons now cost fewer cents
Oil’s demise has been much tracked
But now the shale is truly fracked
And the Arabs then lowered the price
So we embrace again our fossil vice.

[To listen to this verse select below]

(a longer version follows)
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